Fast Food and Slow Fashion

Article by TAMMACHAT co-founder Alleson Kase
First published in The Highland Heart Weekly, June 1, 2012

In the 20th century, corporations devised new ways to part consumers from their money. The fast food industry was designed to serve the most customers in the shortest time at the lowest cost. Fast foods have everything to do with impulse and almost nothing to do with satisfaction. This guarantees that customers keep coming back and those golden arches keep going up. .

Fast fashion is a lot like fast food. It delivers up-to-the minute styles at low prices. Consumers chase trends and, in the long run, spend more for less quality. The world’s resources get chewed up and spat out. And, of course, those fast fashions are made in sweatshops where workers’ health and safety are even worse than their pay.

Clearly, this is a race to the bottom so what’s a consumer to do?

Slow fashion, like the slow food movement, is offering consumers a better choice. Slow fashion means buy less, buy green, buy fair and buy quality. People buy less but get more. Skilled artisans use quality fibres to create authentic clothes that are healthier, more satisfying and longer lasting. The earth’s bounty is preserved and nurtured rather than poisoned and exploited.

TAMMACHAT Natural Textiles is a one of the foremothers of slow fashion, as Just Us! was a pioneer of fair trade coffee. TAMMACHAT, which means “natural” in Thai, is a social enterprise based on Nova Scotia’s South Shore. It is the work of Ellen Agger and Alleson Kase, women who are more interested in people and the planet than profit. They believe that fairly traded textiles can help sustain communities and traditions, while respecting and promoting women’s empowerment, economic justice and a healthy environment.

TAMMACHAT’s naturally dyed silks and cottons combine contemporary styling with traditional skills to create timeless fashion accessories and home décor. Best of all, their textiles are hand-made, fairly traded and environmentally sustainable. Fair trade means buying at a fair price directly from artisan groups that promote skill training and community development. It also means advance payment on orders and long-term commitment to democratic organizations that provide more than an income to their members.

Ellen and Alleson spend several months each year in Thailand and Laos, partnering with rural women’s weaving groups who share with them their indigenous knowledge and techniques. These visits provide them the opportunity to design products for the Canadian market, as well as to better understand the artisans themselves. Most of these women practice these traditional crafts to supplement their income as rice farmers.

Each year Ellen and Alleson also deliver a donation to Big Brother Mouse, a unique publishing venture that creates books by and for Lao students and young adults. For each textile they sell, TAMMACHAT gives a Lao child their first book.

For the stories behind these extraordinary textiles, visit or find them on Facebook or Twitter

TAMMACHAT’s textiles will be available in Antigonish on Saturday, June 16, 2012 from 10am to 5pm at St. James United Church Hall, 197 Main St., Antigonish.

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Beauties and treasures ready for Quilt Canada 2012

Find these beauties and treasures -- and many more -- at Quilt Canada 2012 in Halifax, Nova Scotia. TAMMACHAT Natural Textiles' booth, with displays and wares changing daily, will be a show within itself. Many pieces are perfect for use in fibre art creations. Many are perfect just as they are.

All TAMMACHAT textiles are handwoven or hand-stitched, mostly coloured with natural dyes. All are fairly traded, as always, to bring income to rural women in Thailand and Laos.

Visit us in Booth 101 in the Merchant Mall, Dalplex at Dalhousie University. Map

Wed., May 30, 2012 -- 9am - 5pm
Thurs., May 31, 2012 -- 9am - 5pm
Fri., June 1, 2012 -- 9am - 8pm
Sat., June 2, 2012 -- 9am - 5pm

Detail of Hmong Flower Cloth

Detail of Hmong Flower Cloth

Detail of Hmong Flower Cloth

Hmong Flower Cloths

Hmong Flower Cloths

Hmong Story Cloth

Hmong Story Cloth

Handwoven cotton organizing pouches

Cotton scarves, handwoven on a backstrap loom
Handwoven cotton shirt

Handwoven cotton jacket

Handwoven cotton samplers for projects

Glorious, naturally dyed, organic silk fabrics

Handwoven "mudmee" designs in indigo cotton

Blossom organic silk travel jewellery pouches

Handwoven Eri silk scarves

Handwoven organic silk scarves in many designs & colours

Fair Trade Bazaar a huge success

Poster by
On May 12 and 13, 2012, Victoria Park in downtown Halifax was home to Nova Scotia's most unique Fair Trade Bazaar. Held in a Nova Scotian-built yurt -- a traditional nomadic home from Central Asia -- the event celebrated World Fair Trade Day and Mother's Day. Hundreds of curious visitors streamed into the yurt over the busy weekend to learn about fair trade, and to appreciate and buy the colourful and diverse wares.

The event was co-organized by TAMMACHAT co-founder Ellen Agger and Little Foot Yurt co-owner Selene Cox to bring together 5 local, Canadian fair trade businesses that practice globally conscious trade with co-operatives and other groups in Central and Southeast Asia, Africa and Central America. We were thrilled with the response and interest in fair trade and supporting local businesses with a global conscience.

Little Foot Yurts
Nova Scotian-built shelters offering rentals, sales and educational workshops

We had fun all weekend! Alleson from TAMMACHAT Natural Textiles

TAMMACHAT Natural Textiles
Eco-friendly fashion accessories and home décor from women’s weaving groups in Thailand and Laos

Fibre Fixation
Yarns and tools from communities around the globe for textile artists and artisans

Little Foot Yurts
Shyrdak (felted carpets) from a women’s co-operative in Kyrgyzstan

African Threads
Textiles and bead work from African women’s groups

Just Us!
Specialty teas, coffees, chocolates and sugar