Showing posts with label children's literacy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label children's literacy. Show all posts

Supporting Literacy in Laos - 2013 Update

Another 3 book parties sponsored by TAMMACHAT Natural Textiles (thanks to our customers) were held on Feb. 7, March 14 and April 9, 2013 in 3 villages in rural Laos. At the end of each party, held at the village schools, all the kids get to choose a free book of their own in the Lao language, nearly always the first book they've ever owned. Then the book party team leaves more books with the school, so the students can trade their book for a different one after they've read it.

Supporting children's literacy in Laos

Another book party sponsored by TAMMACHAT Natural Textiles (thanks to our customers) was held on Jan. 7, 2013 in Ban Naborn, a village in rural Laos. At the end of the party, held at the village school, all the kids got a free book of their own in the Lao language, nearly always the first book they've ever owned. Then the book party team left more books with the school, so they can trade their book for a different one after they've read it. Big Brother Mouse left a total of 221 books.

Here are a few pictures from that day. On the Big Brother Mouse website, there's a fuller description of what happens at each of these events.

From Big Brother Mouse:
"It was an exciting day for all of the children, and we expect many of them will always remember it -- both because they had fun, and for the magic of opening a fun book for the first time, and discovering the new world that opens up. Thank you for making this possible!"

Big Brother Mouse held book parties in more than  900 rural schools in 2012 – up from 544 in 2011. In 2012 alone, more than 270,000 books were donated to children in Laos! If you'd like a PDF copy of the 2012 Annual Report from Big Brother Mouse, truly an inspiration on literacy development, we'd be happy to send you one. Email us with your request.

Sponsor your own book party (or the publication of a new book) and make a difference in the life and future of a child in Laos.