Showing posts with label TAFA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TAFA. Show all posts

O is for Organic!

O is for Organic. TAMMACHAT is proud to be one of the featured fibre businesses on the fascinating Product Talk page on the TAFA -- The Textile and Fiber Art List site. A great way to have textile questions answered that you didn't even know you had!

TAMMACHAT's Organic Silk Fabric
Read more:
P is for Printing.
Q is for Quilt.
R is for Rug.

Happy learning! And there's plenty of eye candy for you.

S is for Silk

Rachel Biel, the amazing founder and driving force behind TAFA List (the Textile and Fiber Art List) has been posting fascinating stories about the range of products created by or sold by TAFA members. This site is full of the best textile and fibre art on the web -- it's becoming a real hub for those who love handmade textiles.

  • S if for Silk features TAMMACHAT and other TAFA members.
  • R is for Rug is the latest posting.
  • Visit Featured Products for all the postings. (Hint: They start with Z and work their way through the alphabet backwards!)

Win 1 year of free ads (worth $1000) on TAFA List!

Here's a great chance for you to win 1 year of free ads, worth $1000, to reach textile lovers with your business on the new TAFA List site -- that's The Textile and Fiber Art List, a hub for textile artists and businesses of all kinds. "Advertisers most likely to do well: any related to textiles and fiber art (of course!), art, crafts, women, eco-living, spirituality, health, etsy, technology, website development, design, and all of that good stuff." Go to the TAFA Sponsor page for details.

We've been involved with TAFA List since early days, when it was a discussion forum for individual fibre artists and businesses like TAMMACHAT. What we love is how it's grown over the years and how Rachel Biel, the driving force -- and visionary -- behind TAFA List has included fair trade businesses like ours in her vision. That vision: to provide a place online for a business community of entrepreneurs rooted in textile and fiber art products and traditions. TAFA's site says: "A majority of our members have social and environmental agendas at the core of their business. TAFA unites old and new traditions, their historical and modern importance, giving a shared platform to both contemporary and traditional textile techniques from all cultures." We love this inclusivity! Visit TAMMACHAT's TAFA List page.

If you're a fibre artist (fiber artist!), consider joining for a one-time fee of only $75. If you're a business that wants to reach a fibre- and textile-interested market, become a sponsor for a very reasonable price. And maybe you'll be the lucky one to win 1 year of free ads on TAFA List!